Toowoomba Hospice

Amount raised$972
Fundraising goal$4,500
Regular price $2.00 per ticket

1764 in stock

The Toowoomba Hospice is a 6 bed private hospital health care facility focused on providing optimal client centered palliative care, FREE of charge.
Clients ( age 18 and over) coming to the Toowoomba Hospice for end of life care must have a life-limiting health condition, be no longer having active medical/curative treatment, and be deemed to be within the last 3 months of life (as diagnosed by the client’s medical/nursing practitioner, or specialist).
How to Access our Services.... Admission can be arranged through:
* a direct request from the client or a family member,
* a client’s general practitioner or specialist or
* a client’s treating hospital.
The admitting clinical nurse or director of nursing will triage referrals with priority given to community clients and end-of-life clients with multiple or severe health issues.

We encourage potential clients and their families to visit the Hospice prior to admission whenever able.

For more information on our facility please see the 'about us' page. On our website

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1st Prize

Toyota Kluger GX Hybrid (RRP $63,861)

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Toyota Yaris Cross Hybrid (RRP $41,382)

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Kozco Energy Solar Panel/Battery package (RRP $23,490)