No Strings Attached Theatre of Disability

Amount raised$268
Fundraising goal$5,000
Regular price $2.00 per ticket

2366 in stock

No Strings is a professional theatre company that holds space for disabled people to explore, challenge and grown their own capacities, learn new skills, and develop new employment pathways in the Arts.

No Strings challenges society’s low expectations and celebrates ability.

No Strings is NOT about ‘giving’ a voice to disabled people ... No Strings amplifies disabled voices, by building artistic competency through collaboration, creativity, and courage, resulting in transformation in community.

No Strings artists are the stars, not just the support act. No Strings actors have secured movie roles, have become published authors, keynote speakers at international conferences, and have undertaken international collaborations online.

No Strings - the theatre amplifying disabled voices!

You could win!

1st Prize

Toyota Kluger GX Hybrid (RRP $63,861)

2nd Prize

Toyota Yaris Cross Hybrid (RRP $41,382)

3rd Prize

Kozco Energy Solar Panel/Battery package (RRP $23,490)